Look high in the Southern skies (if you are in the Northern Hemisphere, look to the North if in the South) and you will see brilliant Jupiter shining brightly. To it’s left is the 1st magnitude star Regulus, which is…
I grabbed a couple of quick shots last night, but alas only with my phone. You can see the Moon and Venus, but not Mars. The one after nightfall includes Lions Gate Bridge, which I think looks nice. Anyways, here…
This is an absolutely stunning image by German amateur astronomer Torsten Edelmann. When you consider how rapidly the space station goes through the field of view of the telescope/imaging setup you will understand how incredible this image is. Here…
I had the great pleasure of attending a presentation by Chris Lewicki, President and Chief Engineer of Planetary Resources. He shared the companies vision of mining the resources on Near Earth Asteroids (NEA’s) and utilizing them for furthering humanities exploration,…
Come and join us at Aldergrove Lake Regional Park (Aldergrove BC) to view the annual Perseid Meteor Shower. The Moon doesn’t rise this year until well into the morning hours so this year should offer a spectacular show. RASC Vancouver…
The Mars Curiosity Rover will be landing on Mars on Sunday August 5th at 10:31 PDT. The site for the landing will be inside of Gale crater. The black oval indicates the spot. This was chosen because of the presence…