Perseid Meteor Watch With the RASC at Aldergrove Lake Park

Come and join us at Aldergrove Lake Regional Park (Aldergrove BC) to view the annual Perseid Meteor Shower. The Moon doesn’t rise this year until well into the morning hours so this year should offer a spectacular show. RASC Vancouver members will be on hand with telescopes for everyone to look through at the stars and other celestial sites as well as offer their expert help on observing the meteor shower.

Be aware that the park gates will be locked at 11PM so be sure to arrive earlier than that. You can still drive out after 11, but you can’t get in. Camping is available until 10AM the next day.

Here is the notice from the Metro Parks website

“A dazzling display of shooting stars awaitsyou at the annual Perseid meteor shower.
The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada will have telescopes available to help you view the stars and planets. Listen to stories and songs around the campfire and make a wish upon a star. Bring the whole family and camp overnight.

Event will be cancelled if there is complete cloud cover. Phone to confirm.

Campers must arrive between 5 and 8 pm.

Event activities run from 8 to 11 pm.

Registration not required.

Meet at the Aldergrove Bowl entrance on Lefeuvre Road, Abbotsford.

Information: 604 530-4983”

Here is a map to the site: